Rosacea early detection

12 April 2021

Rosacea is an extremely common skin condition. Clients tend to present with Rosacea when the redness becomes persistent but unfortunately at this point the condition is already in its more advanced stages and can be challenging to manage.

Spotting Rosacea early:
-Oily skin with enlarged pores
-Sebaceous gland hyperplasia (small bumps under skin from blocked sebaceous ducts)
-Feint redness ( pink hue)
-Broken capillaries
-Acne like lesion that tend to reoccur in the same place repeatedly
These subltle early clues may not present together and often go undetected until persistent redness, hot to the touch and often accompanied by pustules presents itself, which is not only unsightly but also leaves the skin in a compromised, irritated state.
What can help?
-Have your skin assessed by a professional, it can be difficult to spot in the early stages but early treatment can prevent worsening of symptoms, making the redness much easier to manage.
-Begin the appropriate homecare as soon as possible.
How to prevent flare ups:
Always use sun protection of at least SPF 30, daily.
Reduce stress
Avoid overheating
Rethink hot beverages, hot tea and coffee by can be a big trigger for some.
Observe how udrinking alcohol affects your skin, white wine is less triggering that red. 
Eat less spicy foods, capsaicin from peppers can often lead to flare ups.
Carefully select skin and hair care products, certain ingredients can trigger rosacea.
Protect your skin from temperature extremes
What treatment can help? 
Intense Pulse Light (IPL) has been clinically proven to be successful in reducing the symptoms of rosacea. It uses multiple wavelengths of light to treat dilated blood vessels and diffused redness in the face.
Peels containing Salicylic or glycolic acid in low concentrations can be beneficial in treating Rosacea. Generally, any barrier impairment needs to be corrected first before a peel can be carried out safely.
Selecting the right products to suit your skins individual needs is vital in managing your rosacea symptoms. 
Managing rosacea can be complex so reach out, we are happy to help in any way we can.


To schedule a phone or zoom consultation give us a call or drop us an email. 

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