Facial Treatments at Renew Skin Clinic
06 February 2020
When you think of non-surgical skin treatments, you could be forgiven for immediately thinking of anti-wrinkle injections. While we do anti-wrinkle injections, it’s only a tiny proportion of the work we do at Renew. We have a wide client base of male and female clients who attend our clinics for a range of different skin treatments. No two clients are the same, each person who comes into our skin clinic does so for their own reasons. This week, on our blog, we wanted to share a little bit more about what we do at Renew Skin Clinic.
In this post, we’re going to talk about the skin concerns we treat on a regular basis that don’t involve targeting wrinkles. When you think about your own skin, chances are, that while wrinkles and fine lines may play some part in your concerns, there are other elements that may bother you much more. We know this to be true, as we see it with most clients who visit Renew Skin Clinic.
Specific Skin Conditions
For those who suffer from specific skin concerns, such as acne or rosacea, seeking professional help is the only solution. These skin conditions which can affect men and women, young and old alike, are very distressing. In some cases, medical treatment is necessary, and we will refer you to a doctor if required who will treat your condition and schedule you in for follow up with us to help restore your skin when you’re ready.
There are, of course, other medical conditions which can affect the skin in different ways. At Renew Skin Clinic, we will be happy to work alongside your medical professionals to help you achieve skin that feels good and looks good.
Scarring & Pitting
While you may no longer suffer from acne, if you had it at some point in the past, you may still deal with the aftermath each time you look in the mirror. Acne scarring and pitting is a common concern for adults of all ages and can truly affect one’s confidence. However, at Renew we have a number of skin treatments which can drastically reduce the appearance of scars and pitting such as Microneedling and medical grade peels.
Uneven Skin Tone & Pigmentation
Age spots, sun spots, dark circles, redness, brown patches – uneven skin pigmentation comes in many forms, and it can really wind people up! Many forms of skin discolouration can be treated. We have many years of experience at Renew Skin Clinic, and are well placed to inform you whether your skin discolouration can be treated by us in the clinic, or whether it needs to be treated by a doctor.
Many of the treatments we offer tackle uneven skin tone as one of their benefits. Our Lumina Medical IPL laser system can treat a range of skin discolouration issues. However, in milder cases, the right skin products can help rectify uneven skin tone over time. A member of our experienced team will be able to guide you to the right treatment for you.
Large Open Pores
Although it may not spring to mind as a top skin concern, it is something we see time and again in our skin clinics. We all have pores all over our bodies, but some of us can develop pores that appear quite large on the face. This can result in a dimpled appearance on the skin and cause makeup to sit unevenly, which often means we pile more on to mask them. Large open pores commonly appear on the cheeks, nose and forehead. They can occur as a result of overproduction of sebum and can get blocked with debris which can, in turn, lead to blackheads.
Also, the reduction in collagen as we age can cause pores to appear larger than they once did. Although pores can’t be shrunk, as such, when they are kept clean and the skin is stimulated to repair itself at its optimum ability, open pores can appear smaller and therefore, pose less of a problem. Some of the treatments available at Renew help speed up the skin’s own collagen production mechanism which improves laxity and can, in turn, reduce the appearance of open pores. Depending on your individual skin condition, we can recommend the best treatment for you.
Broken Capillaries
Those tiny little red veins that crop up on your chin, cheeks or around your nose can be very frustrating. Even more so when you do your best to keep your skin in good condition. Unfortunately, broken capillaries seem to have a genetic factor, which could predispose you to them. Bummer. Other things that can cause broken capillaries on the face are aging, sun exposure, drinking alcohol, or extreme weather conditions. Therefore, most of us are likely to get broken capillaries at some stage during our life, but like most skin issues, we don’t have to put up with them. At Renew Skin Clinic, we work with our clients who present with broken capillaries to reduce their appearance or in some cases, eliminate them altogether through the most appropriate treatment for them.
As you can see, there is a whole range of skin conditions and issues which we are able to treat effectively with the different treatments on offer at Renew Skin Clinic. Whether you have a medical condition which is wreaking havoc on your skin, or you’re fed up poking and prodding at your skin every time you look in the mirror, at Renew Skin Clinic we have one of the widest ranges of non-surgical skin treatments in Ireland and we are staffed by a team of experienced nurses and advanced skin therapists who always put your safety and comfort first.
You can make an appointment discretely by calling your nearest clinic or using our online booking system. Simply come in for a no-pressure consultation and we’ll go from there.